Once Again Yeah Yeah I Got a Story I Got a Story Yeah Yeah


Friendships are hard to maintain. The older you get, the easier it is to come to terms with that. Anybody makes mistakes from time to time. Commonly, all is forgiven and both parties can move on. Still, sometimes a friend commits something that is and then messed up that y'all accept no option simply to finally put your foot down and say, "Plenty is enough."

In many cases, all it takes is some serenity ascertainment to observe that a person isn't beneficial to have in your life anymore. Read on to hear from some other internet users who recently shared their stories about when they realized someone could no longer be their friend anymore.

Doubling Downward

I was at the ballpark and I saw him walking with another guy. I went upwards to say howdy, but he looked at me and said, "Exercise I know you?" I just said, "I guess non," and walked away. That upset me for a while. Fast forward a few months after to the end of the schoolhouse year. My school ever has a competition to run into who could read the almost books.


Well, that year I placed second, so my course won a pizza party. I was immune to get a friend from another class to join our celebration. When I entered my friend's classroom, I looked at my friend square in the optics and said, "Do I know you?" Even though it was petty, I still felt slap-up doing it. Needless to say, nosotros're no longer friends.

Not-So-Sweet 16

All 3 of my closest friends decided that my sixteenth birthday wasn't worth going to. I didn't have a big sweet sixteen because I didn't have a lot of close friends, so the programme was that the four of us would see a movie so go out to dinner. I waited for an hour at the theater before one of them texted me, maxim that something had come upwardly.


I found out later that the "something" she was referring to was a shopping trip to the mall. She and the other ii wanted to buy dresses for an upcoming concert they didn't invite me to. Information technology really sucked to accept nobody come to my birthday party. I realized I was the ane who didn't belong in that group. I did my darnedest to never speak to them again. Vii years subsequently and I'yard still angry.

Roommate From Hell

My onetime roommate took me out for a birthday breakfast. At the finish of the calendar month, he added the cost of my meal that he initially paid for to my monthly rent. He legitimately didn't know why I was mad. Also, every time I was upset at him, he would change the WiFi password.


On the day I left, I got a call at work that the cops were at our apartment. He told them that I abandoned the holding and even tried to obtain legal rights to my stuff. I told the cops that I was in the process of moving out, but I simply hadn't moved all of my stuff out yet. They sided with me and gave him a warning.

Behind Enemy Lines

When I was in 8th grade, I walked by a local fast food articulation and saw my all-time friend of six years hanging with the 2 kids who mocked me relentlessly. The two bullies saw me instantly and began to laugh. My supposed best friend joined in. I pretended not to notice.


Jealous To A Fault

He helped me become hired at his visitor, which was a thousand miles away from my domicile. Once he institute out I was better at the job than him, he promptly broke our lease in an endeavor to brand me homeless and quit. It didn't work. My dominate hooked me upward with housing, and I moved out immediately. Last I heard, my so-called "friend" got busted with possession of illicit substances while he was driving to a festival in Florida. I'm glad to accept that trash gone from my life.


Getting Abroad

He went on a trip with our mutual friends and didn't invite me. They talked about their amazing trip for days in front of me, equally if to rub it in my face up. I took the hint and got myself a new set of friends.


Just Breathe

My friend chosen my phone and I told him I couldn't pick up because I was experiencing an allergic reaction and was having problems breathing. He proceeded to "yell" in text form, saying all kinds of horrible things. Meanwhile, I was walking to the pharmacy trying not to die.


I'd call that an abusive friendship.

The Yard Scheme

It became credible that the simply reason they ever wanted to meet up was to push their latest MLM schemes. I dropped them right then and there.


Negative Nancy

I finally realized they never had anything dainty to say about anything. Every comment they made about a person or situation was e'er negative or sarcastic. In one case it dawned on me what a miserable sod they were, I couldn't stop hearing it. Every interaction with them became a bummer. Life'southward likewise short for constant negativity, so that friendship had to terminate.


Moving Out And Moving On

We had been friends since middle school, and I had done and then and then much for her. Her mom kicked her out and I went and picked her up at 2 a.m. on a work night. When she couldn't find anywhere else to stay, I let her motility in. I didn't have a bad attitude when she decided to move into someone else's business firm the same verbal twenty-four hour period I helped her move into mine. I even helped her motion into that other person'due south house.


Neither of us had friends; nosotros simply had each other. When she got a new job and at the end of the year, she posted a stupid status online, mentioning all the friends she loved and couldn't alive without. She didn't mention me one time, fifty-fifty after all the stuff I did for her.  Once she found other people, she just pretended I didn't exist. Screw me, right?

Hovering Over Husband

I had a problem with her sending inappropriate things to my husband. I sat down with her to talk about what boundaries I needed to maintain our friendship and she said, "I'grand non your friend. I was never your friend. I merely tolerated you so I could be close to your husband."


A Freeloading Friend

I had a friend who used me for car rides all the time. He had me give him rides to get dates, to become to work, etc. The worst thing was, he never even offered gas coin. I too lent him money on several occasions and he never in one case paid me back. I'grand glad that leech is gone.


A Hurtful Interception

I wanted to go to prom with this girl. My best friend had a class with her, and then he told me he would talk to her and put in a good word for me. Afterward not hearing annihilation back from him, I decided to grow a pair and ask her myself. She told me she was already going with my best friend.


They ended up dating and a few months later, she told me that he bragged to her proverb: "Every daughter my friend has liked, I took from him." That opened my eyes to how horrible he was to me.

I stopped talking to him at that point and she broke upward with him shortly after.

True Colors Show

When your all-time friend from loftier school starts posting some pretty racist stuff, yous begin to distance yourself away. No amount of history can keep a friendship live with a racist person.


The Drunk Drag Down

He collection home tipsy despite my equally tipsy attempts to call him an Uber. He tagged me in a Facebook mail afterward bragging that "only idiots need a cab." This was the culmination of several weeks of built-up tension, due to him constantly missing deadlines for paid work.


The dude'due south already a pariah in the local hobbyist customs for his garbage piece of work ethic and personality, I just hadn't seen information technology up until that betoken.

Bad Investment

On the advice of a friend who was a financial planner, I invested my inheritance into some RRSPs (Canadian version of 401k) at a time when I was a student. When I came to withdraw the money years afterward, I realized that it would exist and so taxed equally income. I ended up paying over $thirty,000 in taxes considering of this, which was incredibly high. RRSPs were non the proper investment vehicle for me, simply my "friend" recommended it to me considering information technology gave him a ameliorate commission. So yeah, we aren't friends anymore.


No Tears Left

When I was suffering from depression, he told me: "No one wants to hear your sob story." The final nail in the coffin was when I punched him in the confront subsequently he said that my family was "filled with losers."


Holiday Hangouts

I had a friend since I was 12. I'k almost 30 now. For my 29th birthday, I wanted to invite him by sending him an app with the date.


The last message I received from him was, "HAPPY NEW YEAR!"

This was the eyeopener. We actually ONLY spoke when it was our birthdays or on certain holidays. I decided I had enough people to invite and didn't invite him.

I didn't even become a happy birthday message when the day arrived. I doubtfulness he even remembered.

Hard To Shop For

I was meeting this girl at her house. She was coming from her mom's. I guess her mom had gone to the grocery store for her and as she was unloading the groceries, she kept proverb, "This is the wrong make, I don't fifty-fifty like these, my mom is so stupid for getting this," etc. She then proceeded to phone call her mom and complain most how she got all the wrong stuff. I mean, her mom was nice enough to not only pay for her groceries but to do the shopping for her! Friendship over.


Trusting Your Senses

When he came over to my house for a BBQ, I noticed a day later that my Scentsy warmer in the downstairs bathroom was missing. I went to his firm the following day and saw my Scentsy warmer in his kitchen. I asked him when he got it and he started tripping over his words. I knew he stole it. I had suspicions he took other stuff from my business firm, and this proved it. I didn't printing him on information technology, I figured he really needed it more than than me. I don't speak to him anymore.


A Sobering Realization

She would constantly inquire me to go become tipsy with her despite my two-year sobriety. Someone who does not know how to respect your struggle is not really a expert friend. We don't talk anymore.


Desperate Later on Decease

My mom died recently. A "friend" of mine who I hadn't heard from in v years called to say sorry for my loss. Without taking a breath, he then launched into his MLM and how we should run into up to become over it next calendar week.


Sweating Over A Sweater

My loftier school best friend defendant me of stealing his roommate's sweater. They went to a dissimilar university and she was quite a bit bigger than me, and then I had no use for her sweater. As well, I'k not a thief. He had his girlfriend, my roommate, check my purse merely in case I was lying. Manifestly, at that place was no sweater. Then, he had her check my car. Yet no sweater. I wasn't equally mad or offended every bit I should have been at the time.


Then, I lost my bracelet at his place. No i saw it… Sure, buddy. It but up and walked abroad from the nightstand I gear up information technology on. I think his roommate took it as retribution and he allowed it to happen because he brought it up again months after, proverb how losing the bracelet was probably just karma. I didn't accept the ugly sweater dude, and I still would like the bracelet my mom gave me dorsum.

Clowning Around

The following was the start of the cease:


Me (Getting ready for a dark out): How do I await?

Her: Aye, wow. If I wore that much makeup I'd await like a clown.

Basically, I put up with 10+ years of digs regarding my appearance because I was ever thinner than her and she couldn't deal with information technology.

She said a bunch of other hurtful things that I brushed aside in the past. I gave her multiple chances, merely she was just likewise jealous of me and that caused her to act out. Eventually, I got worn downwards. Y'all don't treat friends similar that.

Flat Out Wrong

He started posting apartment Globe stuff to Facebook. When I asked him how he could believe something so ridiculous, he got hostile and started going on about how "Globe heads" like me can't handle the truth.


I'll put up with a lot, but blatant stupidity is not one of those things.

Fights, Flights, And Festivals

I made spring break plans with a friend to go to a pool music festival in Havasu. She was flying in from out of state and we were going to drive the residual of the way together. My husband's grandmother had a huge stroke a few days earlier we were supposed to go out, and then I let her know what happened and that I had to abolish to be with our family unit at the hospital. She demanded I still go, just I explained the severity of the state of affairs.


When I told her I couldn't become, she demanded I pay her $600 for her flying and festival ticket. I refused considering I was also going to lose the $300 I spent on my ticket and I didn't think I should accept to lose some other $600 on her purchases. I offered to have her fly in and visit me at my house for the week and told her I'd cover those expenses. She responded, "We're either going on the trip or I desire $600 in my banking concern account. Either mode, we're not friends anymore." I told her bye.

She texted me a calendar week later and I let her know my husband's grandmother didn't make it. She was still more upset about me canceling on her. Nosotros haven't spoken since.

Highway To Hell

I was thinking of ditching her already because she was a terrible person in multiple ways. Right before the semester concluded, we were planning out a trip to Disney World with a group… or at to the lowest degree I thought information technology we were. She told me she didn't want me to come because I'm physically disabled (I use a cane sometimes and I was using one then) and I'd just "slow her down."


I went abode and sent her a bulletin telling her to basically get screw herself. I haven't seen her since and neither has anyone in my group of friends because they all dumped her likewise.

Slipping Into The Anniversary

We were pretty close because we studied and worked together on the weekends. The contact between us started to get rare when she met her boyfriend. Fast forrad to final year: She got engaged on Christmas Mean solar day and she told me in January. My significant other and I were to be married in June.


After a few messages where I gave her advice on how to begin planning for a wedding, she sent this question: "That sounds really stressful! Do yous mind if we join your wedding? Y'all have everything prepare already and the appointment would exist perfect for u.s.!"

What the heck? No, y'all are not allowed to marry on the same day in the same location considering I planned that matter and yeah, information technology was freaking stressful. She tries to message me every now and and then, simply she won't get an answer.

Self Diagnosis

My buddy of over 20 years had been getting weirder and weirder, but nosotros still hung out. Then, he began shaving his caput, and 'going to the doctor' all the fourth dimension. He finally told me he'd been diagnosed with cancer, which he'd been through twice already, so it wasn't a total stupor. He was shaving his caput so information technology wouldn't be weird when hairs began to fall out. Give-and-take gradually spread through boondocks, and people were super nice to him.


This lasted for months. After increasing suspicion, information technology finally came out that it was all a lie. He didn't take cancer over again at all. He just wanted women to experience bad for him.

That was nearly 10 years ago. I haven't spoken to him since I found out, and he moved beyond the country to escape the wrath of this community.

Brutally Blunt At The Omnibus End

My sister passed away when I was 12. She'd been sick for a while with cancer. I missed a week of schoolhouse to spend time with her. On the day I was fix to render, I was walking to the bus stop and I had an absolute breakup. I turned effectually and headed home to tell my mom I just wasn't ready yet. As I was walking back habitation, visibly upset, I passed my best friend of seven years. She asked where I was going, and I told her I wasn't gear up to come up to school yet. Her reply? "Await, you oasis't been at school all week? I didn't even realize. Oh, probably because of your sister, correct?" Information technology'south like she had no sympathy in her bones.


Hamster Homicide

He told me how he would microwave hamsters when he was a child and got violently angry when I was visibly upset… He kept proverb that they were just stupid little hamsters. Spiral that kid.


Letting The Canis familiaris Out

Late i night, we plant a dog tied to a pole outside a bar. We canvassed the street, only couldn't find the owner, so nosotros took the dog home. We tried all week to observe the owner, but no luck.


One of our roommates didn't similar the dog, even though anybody else loved him. One day, nosotros came back from class and the dog is gone. The roommate said he took the dog on a walk and it got away. We went out looking for him and amazingly found it.

The side by side day, the dog went missing again, and the roommate said, "The dog got away once more… permanently."

I accept no proof, but I strongly suspect he allow tet the domestic dog out the front and never looked back. I tried non to talk to him anymore after that.

Controlling In The Kitchen

Nosotros used to make a habit of cooking together when we hung out. It was my turn to cook, so I brought all of my ingredients to her firm. She completely took over cooking the meat for the tacos even though I insisted I practise it. I didn't call back it was a large bargain, then I stepped back and simply focused on chopping the veggies.


Her mom joined us while we ate and she complimented my cooking. She stepped in and told her mom I did absolutely nil, and even demanded that I "actually cook next time." The whole thing wasn't a big bargain, simply the demanding role at the end was the concluding harbinger of an endless list of stupid stuff she's pulled.

Left At The Lake

I invited my friend out to the lake to have a couple of drinks and hang out. I left the lake around 6 p.thousand. She ended up staying with her beau until 10 p.m and the sheriff made them accept a breathalyzer test. They both failed and couldn't leave for another 60 minutes. She concluded upward getting upset and blaming me since I was the one who invited her out. We haven't spoken since. I'yard not apologizing for her stupidity. Plus information technology's non like she ended up getting a ticket or going to jail.


The Harsh Truth

I realized I had go scared to tell them anything because of fearfulness that I'd be judged and ridiculed. They were niggling near everything and didn't approve of my lifestyle, so they called me derogatory things that no friend should have to hear from another friend.


When I brought up that I wanted them to stop talking to me in such a demeaning way, they said that information technology was what I "needed to hear" and that if they didn't care, they wouldn't be saying those things to me. But that's a terrible excuse… Anyone who has ever gone through emotional abuse knows information technology's a red flag when they try to manipulate you into thinking they're just trying to help you; when you're already crying because of things someone is maxim to you and they still reject to stop.

All in all, I'm glad I'm non friends with someone so toxic anymore.

Toxic Behavior

We were friends for 10 years. We started hanging out because we both liked to go to the clubs and political party, only we were both responsible adults as well. Then, effectually v years ago, I stopped partying. I told him I would actually similar to keep hanging out but I needed to stop going out then much and focus on my job.


For about a year, I put upwardly with him making jokes most how we should hit upward the clubs like the old days. After constantly telling him no, I finally had it and merely stopped talking to him altogether. I haven't seen him in about 2 years at present.

Checking Out

He knowingly gave me a bad check to cover his function of the rent. Information technology obviously bounced. When I went to him about the bounced check, he said: "Why'd you lot cash that? It was no skillful."


Flights And Failed Friendships

When I traveled from Alaska to Chicago to run into my "all-time friend," I only saw her for about a total of five hours. She spent the unabridged time talking about herself.


I left there thinking, the next pace is hers to make. I realized at that moment that selfish people don't call back nearly other people, fifty-fifty their "best friends."

The aforementioned person had me sleep in the Portland airport overnight even though she lived 20 minutes away. I don't know why I didn't realize how selfish that was and then. I estimate I was trying to agree onto a failed friendship.

Workouts Over Wedding

When my Maid of Honor told me that my wedding was getting in the way of her going to crossfit, I dropped her right then and at that place. Did she really choosecrossfitover her all-time friend'south biggest day? There's no justifying her logic.


Social When Single

He'd hit me upwardly every weekend asking to hang out, then he'd get a girlfriend and get MIA. When he breaks up with said girlfriend, he'll hit me up all the fourth dimension again.


Yeah… Seems like I'one thousand just a friend when he'due south single.

Fighting For Manner

One contributing factor to our failed friendship was when she punched me in the chest for wearing a shirt she didn't like… I spent the next v years with her only because she didn't get the message and followed me to loftier schoolhouse. After nosotros graduated, I blocked her anywhere I could.


A Clean Cutting

She poured bleach all over my bed considering I told her I was going to move out to assist my family. They were going through some financial difficulties, and so I figured I'd motion dorsum in with them so I could put what coin was going to my rent towards their debts instead.


Clearly, my roommate is not as much of a family person as I am, as she could not fathom my on earth I would give upwardly my own money for other people's problems. What she doesn't understand is that those "other people" she refers to are the same people who left backside the secure lives they had dorsum in their abode state so I could have a better future.

Don't Kill Their Vibe

My friend lost his phone, so I used my iPad to try to locate it and message people. At the gym with my iPad, text messages started popping up betwixt her and my all-time friend. They were planning to go to Coachella and non to invite me considering I didn't do pary the same way I used to and would "bring downward the vibe." They've been terrible friends ever since. I found bully new friends and see them every few months.


Friend Versus Fiance

She asked me to cull between being friends with her or beingness with my fiance.


Preserving Data

I was out with a friend the other 24-hour interval. Suddenly he asked, "Hey, remember so and and then?"


I said, "Oh yeah! I wonder what he's up to?"

My friend said, "No idea."

I didn't even want to fire information past looking them up on Facebook. So it looks similar that ship has sailed.


Source: https://www.smarter.com/so-dumb/people-share-their-yeah-this-person-isnt-my-friend-anymore-stories?utm_content=params%3Ao%3D740011%26ad%3DdirN%26qo%3DserpIndex

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