the Time Is Now a Call to Uncommon Courage Review

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Judith Valente
Few people have spoken with every bit much moral clarity near the spiritual illness afflicting our country than Benedictine sister and author Joan Chittister. Oprah Winfrey recently interviewed Sister Joan almost her latest volume "The Time Is Now." This is must listening and reading for all of us who care out the soul of America.

We are in a "crossover moment," co-ordinate to Sister Joan, traveling without a moral compass. We demand just consider the children who have died in detention on our southern borde

Few people have spoken with every bit much moral clarity about the spiritual illness afflicting our land than Benedictine sis and author Joan Chittister. Oprah Winfrey recently interviewed Sister Joan almost her latest book "The Fourth dimension Is Now." This is must listening and reading for all of us who care out the soul of America.

We are in a "crossover moment," according to Sister Joan, traveling without a moral compass. We need only consider the children who have died in detention on our southern border; the relentless gun violence in our public places, not to mention the culture of lies in our public discourse and increasing disrespect for the dominion of constabulary.

Sister Joan calls this "a complete collapse and crisis of American values." And what are those values? Compassionate respect for others. Graphic symbol as a crucial component of leadership. Striving for the common adept. All themes stressed in the 6th century Dominion of St. Benedict. All yet cogent to a well-performance (and, dare I say, Christian) gild today.

One of the worse evils in such a time, Sister Joan points out, is to remain silent.
I recently watched a History Channel documentary on the rising of the Third Reich. Even some German Jews initially supported Hitler's grand promises to rebuild the economy and brand Germany "corking again." A majority of the German people wasn't responsible for the racist laws that led to abductions, beatings, arrests, and ultimately to the decease camps. The vast majority was guilty of keeping silent.

Sister Joan calls on all of the states to be not merely churchgoers, only prophets. A prophet, she notes, speaks truth to lies. A prophet says no to the abuse of other homo beings based on their skin color or their passport designation. No, to the degradation of our natural resources. No, to the concentration of wealth and ability among the few. No, to national self-centeredness, but yep to mercy, pity, and to life.

She reminds u.s. too that Jesus -- the ultimate healer -- was too the ultimate prophet. Jesus contended, contested, confronted and challenged those who put the skillful of the few ahead of the common good.

Sister Joan'southward words challenge me to speak upwards, to work harder for the kind of country I desire America to be. She recommends meeting with our neighbors, going to community events and meetings, and keeping ourselves informed.

I would also suggest that nosotros beginning demanding to talk about these issues within our churches and to hear about them from the pulpit.

As a daily Mass-goer, I've heard three homilies about abortion law changes in contempo weeks. (Chittister accuses many churches of existence "pro-birth," rather than pro-life). I've heard nothing about the deaths at the edge, the contempo deployment of additional U.S. troops and armed forces equipment to the Middle Due east, or the growing bear witness of corruption within our government.
I've heard nothing near the need to improve our health care organisation or the growing gap between rich and poor.

A tempest is gathering, Sister Joan warns. We tin shut our eyes and hope it won't hit u.s.. Or, we can work to force that storm to change course. We're not on this earth simply to win, she notes, just to love, to grow and to leave the world a better place. That's when anybody wins. How tin can I brainstorm this week?

From my blog, which I post on Facebook: https://world wide
As well on my website:

Scottsdale Public Library
This book is a breath of fresh air! In a catamenia of many strident voices deriding "the other side," Chittister is making a rallying cry challenging her own group to wake up, speak upward, and do right. Chittister is calling her brothers and sisters to prophetic acts, acts that never harm others, but are meant to wake each other up to the real harm in the world. The Time is At present: a Call to Uncommon Courage encourages people to be brave, to speak up, to act to assistance anyone and everyone. Joan Chittister, This book is a breath of fresh air! In a flow of many strident voices deriding "the other side," Chittister is making a rallying weep challenging her own group to wake up, speak up, and do right. Chittister is calling her brothers and sisters to prophetic acts, acts that never harm others, simply are meant to wake each other up to the existent harm in the world. The Time is Now: a Phone call to Uncommon Backbone encourages people to be dauntless, to speak upwards, to act to assistance anyone and everyone. Joan Chittister, an American Benedictine nun, theologian, an internationally known author and social activist, asks, "How do we really get out of the swamp we're in?" Her answer: Past confronting it. Response: But what will that take? A model, a vision, a commitment, courage, and... "Annnnnnd...? What else is needed to fix this muddled globe?" Answer: You. In Chittister'southward words, "The prophetic human activity is always washed for the good of others: To save lives in unjust wars. To salve fetuses from wanton destruction. To save punishment from becoming nothing more than an act of civil revenge rather than an act of rehabilitation. To bring integrity to the state and justice to its citizens." Truly worth the read! – Kathy G. ...more
Kaelynn Judd
My husband and I recently read this volume while on a long road trip. It came to us in the perfect fourth dimension in our spiritual journey. By the time we finished information technology, we both felt God stirring upwards a passion in us for changing the world and letting our voices be heard.

In this volume Sr. Joan presents the reader with a unmarried question. "Volition we have upwards what we know is our moral and spiritual responsibility: to brand the world a better place for all, to bring to life the fullness of Creation for all? To help brin

My hubby and I recently read this book while on a long road trip. It came to us in the perfect fourth dimension in our spiritual journey. Past the time we finished it, we both felt God stirring up a passion in the states for changing the globe and letting our voices be heard.

In this book Sr. Joan presents the reader with a single question. "Will nosotros accept up what nosotros know is our moral and spiritual responsibleness: to make the world a better place for all, to bring to life the fullness of Creation for all? To help bring about equality, rubber, security, and compassion for all?" She then spends the rest of the volume talking about exactly how to do that.

Ruth M.
Jun 05, 2019 rated information technology it was astonishing
She calls us to awaken the prophet within

This is one of the nearly compelling books I have read this year and then far. Sis Joan issues along a stirring call to prophetic activeness and reminds u.s. that when we stand confronting injustice nosotros stand with, and become, co-prophets with Christ.

Sheri L.
Jun 10, 2019 rated it it was amazing
Inspiring read. Hoping others volition read it, as well.

I saw Sister Joan on Oprah's Super Soul Dominicus. This book embodies what my centre & soul have been feeling in the past 15 years.

Inspiring read. Hoping others will read it, too.

I saw Sister Joan on Oprah's Super Soul Sunday. This book embodies what my heart & soul have been feeling in the past 15 years.

I had seen Sister Joan on Oprah's Super Soul Sun and was enamored. Her message was slap-up and her strength is inspiring.

In that location is much truth to power being spoken within these pages. She uses past historical figures - prophets of the church mostly - to explain how anyone who is hearing the call to stand up must do then. Nosotros cannot remain silent while the world around u.s.a. burns.

She as well touches on hope and that the road is never easy simply reminds the reader that many came before and many will contin

I had seen Sis Joan on Oprah's Super Soul Sunday and was enamored. Her message was peachy and her force is inspiring.

In that location is much truth to power existence spoken inside these pages. She uses past historical figures - prophets of the church mostly - to explain how anyone who is hearing the call to stand up must do so. Nosotros cannot remain silent while the world around the states burns.

She too touches on hope and that the route is never piece of cake only reminds the reader that many came earlier and many will continue to fight for others and for what is right.

My reason for a 3 star rating is that I found information technology difficult to get a proficient period going. The material is definitely heavy and while I loved the bulletin I didn't exactly love the writing style.

Kym Moore
Joan Chittister paints a vivid portrait of how much more than each 1 of united states can do to cry out, without fear and be the messengers of God for this hurting earth. We must summon up our backbone to use our gifts to be the voice of sensation, hope, purpose, love, and management. We must work differently in spite of impending resistance to be that visionary who gives life.

"What people do non empathize they tend to condone; what they understand just do not like, they tend to disparage," she notes. We must

Joan Chittister paints a vivid portrait of how much more each one of usa tin practice to cry out, without fear and be the messengers of God for this pain globe. We must summon upwards our courage to use our gifts to exist the voice of awareness, hope, purpose, beloved, and direction. Nosotros must work differently in spite of impending resistance to be that visionary who gives life.

"What people do not empathize they tend to disregard; what they understand but practise not like, they tend to disparage," she notes. We must confront those societal forces supporting oppression, injustice, inequality, suppression, arrogance, and greed. This volume is piece of cake to identify with, extremely relevant for our time, and a must-read. At present is non the time for prophetic messengers to sit and remain silent.

...more than
Jun 15, 2019 rated it it was astonishing
Inspiring and timely. This volume is a call to action.
Christy Valyou
Jul 15, 2020 rated it really liked information technology
I listened to Sister Joan speak during her interview with Oprah on an episode of Super Soul Sunday and fell in love with her immediately. I was so drawn to her ideas about how people have lost the art of Chat; instead, most people just debate or debate their point of view instead of actually having conversations. And, isn't that the truth?! I liked this book-lots of gems to be found. Even so, I did experience like I enjoyed listening to her speak a bit more. This book dives into an exploratio I listened to Sister Joan speak during her interview with Oprah on an episode of Super Soul Dominicus and vicious in dearest with her immediately. I was then drawn to her ideas about how people take lost the art of CONVERSATION; instead, most people simply debate or argue their point of view instead of actually having conversations. And, isn't that the truth?! I liked this volume-lots of gems to be found. Even so, I did feel like I enjoyed listening to her speak a flake more. This volume dives into an exploration of many of the social issues of our time and invites us all toward activism (instead of standing to be complacent). ...more
A wonderful inspiration for alter.
Aug 20, 2019 rated it it was astonishing
Sr. Joan has washed it again - she has addressed the issues nosotros are all facing right now, and she gives the states the answer to our dilemma - what can I exercise to make this better?
Gay Ann
Aug 12, 2019 rated it really liked information technology
Joan Chittister calls united states of america to exist brothers and sisters to each other, to dearest, to feed the hunger and dive into the worlds pain and injustice and just to something run a risk taking to help the marginalized people.Pay attending to world around you and exist astonished by the injure, the pain and lack of business. Talk about it and find petty means to help others and to solve the root of the problems. The Time is Now.
Jul 28, 2019 rated it it was astonishing
Good heavens, this is a masterpiece. I picked this up on a lark at the bookstore prior to vacation, having heard Joan on the podcast circuit, most recently with Oprah. If yous, similar me, have been struggling to sympathize what your spiritual life ought to wait like, thinking it ought to be more than church building attendance, dressing for the occasion, fasting (I'm Orthodox Christian, so yes, fasting is expected), scripture reading, and prayer, then this book is for you lot. If you wonder why you feel alone - Proficient heavens, this is a masterpiece. I picked this up on a lark at the bookstore prior to vacation, having heard Joan on the podcast circuit, virtually recently with Oprah. If y'all, like me, have been struggling to understand what your spiritual life ought to look similar, thinking it ought to be more than than church building omnipresence, dressing for the occasion, fasting (I'm Orthodox Christian, so yes, fasting is expected), scripture reading, and prayer, so this book is for y'all. If yous wonder why y'all feel alone - without community - for speaking up, this book is for you. If y'all are hungry for your life to have purpose, read this volume. This just may be ane of the nigh influential books I've read. I love how there are reflections at the cease of each affiliate. These actually stirred my soul. The book itself is a relatively quick and easy read if not one that may make you experience uncomfortable at times, like the fourth dimension I realized I was the simply 1 who was willing to attempt the Heimlich maneuver just felt totally unworthy. That was a situation where seconds counted and I couldn't bear to 2nd-estimate myself. I feel this way about how I'm living my life now that I've read this provocative, yep, call to uncommon courage. This book got to me in a way that 50+ years of sermons and scripture on my ain did not. Even if you aren't Christian, read this book. The world needs your vox. Your work. Your vision. Even if, like Moses, you lot yourself don't become to the Promised Land. ...more than
Aug 04, 2019 rated it it was astonishing
Sister Joan spoke to the fears and feelings of incompetence that I take been experiencing as I brainstorm piece of work against the decease penalization in the state of Ohio. Her words will be reread by me many times in the time to come when these aforementioned and other negative thoughts arise in my mind. Bless you Sister Joan for opening our eyes, giving united states of america hope and the spiritual sustenance necessary to exercise the right thing
Jun fourteen, 2019 rated it liked information technology
Challenging and heart-felt, The Time Is Now: A Call to Uncommon Courage urges u.s.a. to become prophetic people and explains what that means and how to do information technology. The tone is about 180 degrees from the volume I had only read (Everybody, Always: Becoming Dearest in a Earth Full of Setbacks and Difficult People but, in a style they were nearly the aforementioned matter. This ane was more terrifying and exhausting, even so, so I'll probably stick with Bob Goff... Challenging and eye-felt, The Time Is Now: A Call to Uncommon Backbone urges united states of america to get prophetic people and explains what that means and how to do information technology. The tone is almost 180 degrees from the book I had just read (Everybody, Always: Becoming Dearest in a World Full of Setbacks and Difficult People just, in a way they were well-nigh the same affair. This one was more terrifying and exhausting, withal, so I'll probably stick with Bob Goff... ...more
Jul 18, 2019 rated it information technology was ok
Non all that revolutionary to me. If the people who need to read this actually take something from this that would be wonderful but they will finish reading later on a few pages. Those of united states of america who already are breaking from the terrible events in this administration already know how to behave. And believe me we don't demand to be Christian or religious at all to care almost others.
First 50%is challenging and prophetic. The balance is filler.
I was really enjoying this book up until page 72. Sister Joan'south newest book is all almost what we, as every day people, can do about to create "a world of justice, freedom, peace, and empowerment." I'm all about that so I should be gung-ho about this book. Then I hit page 72 and read this: "Others contested the legalization of abortion as a sin against the commandment "Grand shalt not kill" but refused to harm doctors who performed them". I had to read that sentence several times because it'due south a bi I was really enjoying this book up until page 72. Sister Joan's newest book is all about what we, every bit every day people, can do well-nigh to create "a earth of justice, freedom, peace, and empowerment." I'm all nigh that then I should be gung-ho near this book. Then I hit page 72 and read this: "Others contested the legalization of abortion as a sin confronting the commandment "Thou shalt non kill" but refused to harm doctors who performed them". I had to read that sentence several times because it'southward a fleck confusing. Now, looking at the context of the previous sentences, all I tin come up with is that Sister Joan isn't pro-choice. Information technology's surprising because she seems to exist a feminist only she is a Catholic nun so I shouldn't exist surprised that she'due south against abortion. Notwithstanding, it really seems every bit if she's calling for people to rise upwards against doctors that perform abortions. I was willing to keep going in case I was misinterpreting what Sister Joan was trying to convey. Then I read a little bit farther down. "The prophetic human activity is ever done for the good of others. To save lives in unjust wars. TO Save FETUSES FROM WANTON DESTRUCTION. To salve penalization from condign cypher more an human action of civil revenge rather than an act of rehabilitation. To bring integrity to the state and justice to its citizens".

What the fuck! Wanton destruction of fetuses. I'g adamant well-nigh being pro-option and information technology's doubtful that most women that demand to end a pregnancy think to themselves that they are wantonly destroying fetuses. For Sis Joan to compare women ending their pregnancy to the white nationalist movement or the people who brutally attacked the ceremonious rights protesters of the 1960's is uncalled for and deplorable. Fuck that! I'one thousand disappointed in Sister Joan, disappointed in this book, and disappointed that Oprah would requite Sister Joan a Super Soul Sunday endorsement afterward reading the passage I quoted.

I didn't end it. The social justice aspect was inspirational. We are definitely of the aforementioned mind in that regard. Nevertheless, as an doubter, the religion was too heavy-handed for me.
January 24, 2021 rated it it was astonishing
This book reinforced my actions and behavior - and has changed my life.
Aug 17, 2019 rated it really liked it
4.5. Read Judith's review below. I couldn't review this book more eloquently. We as a majority (I hope) in our land cannot be silent almost the immoral discourse that is occurring. We must, individually, speak up and out about whatever we perceive to be the continued deterioration of our basic human values of love thy neighbor as thy self. Practice something!
Aug 03, 2019 rated it information technology was amazing
This is the single almost inspiring volume I have read this year. Sis Joan helps us run across nosotros are in a "crossover moment," traveling without a moral compass. She then presents the reader with a single question. "Volition we take up what nosotros know is our moral and spiritual responsibility: to brand the world a amend identify for all, to bring to life the fullness of Cosmos for all? And so she goes on to requite us the manner to accomplish this.... one past 1, each past each of united states of america. The quote that lingers is
" The Poet
This is the unmarried most inspiring book I take read this year. Sister Joan helps u.s. see nosotros are in a "crossover moment," traveling without a moral compass. She then presents the reader with a unmarried question. "Will we take up what we know is our moral and spiritual responsibleness: to brand the world a amend place for all, to bring to life the fullness of Creation for all? Then she goes on to give us the way to attain this.... one by one, each by each of us. The quote that lingers is
" The Poet Mary Oliver may have written the best definition of what information technology means to be a prophet in gimmicky spirituality. She writes, "Instructions for living a life. Pay attention. Exist astonished. Tell near it."
I am recommending this book to my spiritual reading discussion grouping.
Sarah Toney
I so capeesh the distinction fatigued betweenJesus as Healer and Jesus equally prophet and what being a prophet ways. She describes the claiming and feel of living into prophetic spirituality, forth with the fruit. Information technology was very clarifying for me and will be a book I hold on to for ongoing comfort, guidance, and inspiration.
Christine Stafford
This book is a challenge to us to be "prophets" in our globe, and especially in this country during these troubled times. I found the book to be non only informative but filled with her wit and wisdom. It is not a book to exist skimmed quickly, merely read and savored for the impact information technology tin can brand in one'due south life. It needs to be digested slowly and let the seeds it plants germinate and hopefully behave incredible fruit. I have followed her and her writings for years and am never disappointed. This book is a challenge to us to be "prophets" in our globe, and particularly in this country during these troubled times. I found the book to be not only informative just filled with her wit and wisdom. Information technology is non a book to be skimmed apace, but read and savored for the impact information technology tin can make in i'due south life. It needs to exist digested slowly and allow the seeds it plants germinate and hopefully comport incredible fruit. I take followed her and her writings for years and am never disappointed. ...more
Peter Perry
Jul 19, 2019 rated it really liked it
While the text did sometimes seem repetitive to me, it was still passionately written and in many was inspirational. It is a clarion call for people of faith to embrace their prophetic voice in this troubled world of ours.
Alyssa Foll
I have to admit, I am disappointed with this volume. From the previews and excerpts I had read, it looked to be more substantive than what it really was.
I very much appreciated Sister Joan Chittister's call to prophetic action and to the prophetic tradition of Scripture. I appreciated her pointing to the pressing concerns of our time and the needs of our world -- immigration, climatic change, peace, women's rights, etc.
But where I was disappointed was that she occasionally would veer off on a "li
I have to admit, I am disappointed with this volume. From the previews and excerpts I had read, information technology looked to be more substantive than what it really was.
I very much appreciated Sister Joan Chittister's call to prophetic action and to the prophetic tradition of Scripture. I appreciated her pointing to the pressing concerns of our fourth dimension and the needs of our world -- immigration, climate change, peace, women's rights, etc.
Just where I was disappointed was that she occasionally would veer off on a "list-bluster" where she would talk about the needs of these big problems, but without any substance. It felt a little like an outrage list.
And while at that place was some meaningful content, I would notwithstanding turn to Walter Brueggemann and the "Prophetic Imagination" or others who have written in that vein, before I would recommend this book.
Oh dear, this is an instance where I enjoyed her Super Soul conversation with Oprah more than than her book. I liked the volume overall, but two glaring items really got me. Was is necessary to bring up an anti-abortion stance in this book? Secondly, which really grinds my gears is suggesting that missionaries colonizing the Americas were prophets doing God'due south work. No, what happened was cultural genocide. We have a long way to reconciliation and this volume shows that.
Overall the message in this book is
Oh dear, this is an instance where I enjoyed her Super Soul conversation with Oprah more than than her book. I liked the book overall, but 2 glaring items really got me. Was is necessary to bring upward an anti-abortion stance in this book? Secondly, which really grinds my gears is suggesting that missionaries colonizing the Americas were prophets doing God'south work. No, what happened was cultural genocide. Nosotros have a long way to reconciliation and this book shows that.
Overall the message in this book is a good one, stop worrying about church attendance and get your ass out in the globe and practice something.
Timely message for our times. Clearly written to encourage personal response and activity. Joan always had something important to share.

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The internet, it's rubber to say, has changed a lot of things. Massive worldwide advice systems have a style of doing that.   Ane of the more than...
"The poet Mary Oliver may accept written the best definition of what it means to be a prophet in contemporary spirituality. She writes, "Instructions for living a life: Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it." — iii likes
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