I Want to Commit Suicide but Don't Want to Hurt Family

If you demand urgent assist

If you are feeling suicidal right now, know that there are people out at that place who can support you to get through this.

Use our YoungMinds Textline past texting 'YM' to 85258 to get assist. You can also telephone call Childline to speak to someone about how yous are feeling.

If you lot are at immediate risk or harm, delight call 999 and ask for an ambulance.

What are suicidal feelings?

It is a normal role of life to feel down and sad sometimes.

But if those feelings have go very deep and intense, and y'all don't know what to do about them, yous might think the simply solution is to end your life. Merely there is promise for you, and y'all tin become through this.

How common are suicidal feelings?

You're not the only one who feels this way – many people feel suicidal at some time in their lives. In fact, co-ordinate to Papyrus, information technology is estimated that one in four immature people experience suicidal thoughts at some point.

What'due south important for yous to know is that there are lots of ways of dealing with these feelings and overcoming them. It's possible to come up out the other side and feel okay once more.

There is support out there, and with the correct back up, you can work through these feelings - as I take experienced myself a couple of times.

What causes suicidal feelings?

medium shot of a girl with curly hair wrapping her arms to her girlfriend talking to her while they are sitting in a park

You might feel suicidal feelings if you:

  • are depressed or have another mental illness
  • struggle with depression self-esteem
  • use drugs or booze, especially when you're upset
  • feel anxious well-nigh pressures you lot face today or in the future
  • feel under pressure level from family or your peers
  • feel alone and every bit if nobody cares almost you lot
  • take experienced a traumatic event, or a difficult life feel

Suicidal feelings can in rare cases exist a side effect of certain mental health medications.

If you start to experience suicidal feelings soon later on starting medication for your mental wellness, speak to your GP, psychiatrist or pharmacist immediately.

They can build upwards over time

Suicidal feelings can build up over time, or they can develop suddenly. Although we know there is a link between depression and thoughts of suicide, suicidal feelings are not e'er linked to low. Some people may even take these thoughts when it feels as though life is otherwise going well.


Inquiry shows that young people who accept their own life are more likely to have a history of self-harm, but cocky-harm is not necessarily a sign of suicidal feelings.

Suicidal feelings tin arrive the way of everything else – so much that yous might find information technology difficult to believe that you can feel amend. Simply y'all tin can, however tough things experience right now. Whatever the reasons may be that y'all feel suicidal, they are valid and you deserve help.

Just know that sometimes we want a bad flow of life to finish rather than life itself.

Warning signs of suicidal feelings

close up of a girl with a curly hair and wearing black jacket looking in front of the camera with group of young people on the background

It may not e'er be easy to spot when you are having suicidal feelings, especially if they accept been building up over a long time.

Here are some warning signs of suicidal feelings:

  • always talking or thinking well-nigh death
  • deep depression and sadness
  • losing interest in daily life
  • having increasing trouble sleeping and eating
  • feeling helpless or worthless
  • cocky-harming
  • feeling angry and that things can't change

If you lot feel any of the symptoms above, please don't suffer in silence. You deserve help, and you volition detect that life is worth living.

What to practise almost feeling suicidal

Tips for now

Have you lot hurt yourself, or exercise you call up you might be about to injure yourself? Call 999 now or go to A&Eastward at present.

  • Take the first step and talk to someone you trust. If you've been thinking about ending your life, it'south a good idea to talk to someone you trust, like a family member, friend, or teacher.
  • If you lot don't feel like y'all can speak to anyone you know, in that location are confidential helplines like the Samaritans, and safe online forums like The Mix, where y'all can get support from trained people who care and want you lot to feel better.
  • Sometimes talking to someone about your mental health can feel difficult or uncomfortable and you may not always get the reaction you want. But if this is the example, don't let 1 bad experience put you off. Your feelings are valid and at that place are people who desire to listen to you and help.
  • Apply a grounding technique. If you have a cocky-soothe box or a safety plan that you have already fabricated, have a look at that and see what y'all can do to basis yourself. If non, try to focus on your animate. Have a await at this breathing technique from our blogger Georgie or but concentrate on taking deadening, deep breaths.
  • Focus on your senses. Try to concentrate on what you can see, odour, hear, feel and gustation. Say these things out loud. This can help distract you if the thoughts are hard to cope with.

Once I started talking, it wasn't every bit scary equally I initially thought.

close up of a girl with long hair and one hand on chin listening to a person in front of her

Tips for the long term

  • Recollect about things in your life that might be making you feel stressed. Is there anything going on that is leading you lot to view suicide equally a solution, such as bullying or issues at school? Is there anything yous tin practise to improve the situation or ask someone you trust like a parent or teacher to help? You may notice that if you address whatsoever problems like this, the thoughts of suicide become less frequent or stop altogether.
  • Speak to your GP and discover out how to go help. This can be really daunting, but your GP will have heard from lots of people who are feeling like you are now. They will know what support and services are available in your local area, and they can help you determine if medication like antidepressants might assistance yous.
  • Make a prophylactic plan. For more information on what a safe plan is, how it can assistance, and how to create one, have a look at this guide from Childline.
  • Make a self-soothe box. For more about what a self-soothe box is, how it can help when yous're experiencing really intense emotions, and how to make one, read this blog from our blogger Eve.

Existent stories from immature people similar you

Our bloggers and Activists share their experiences of experiencing suicidal feelings, getting help and coming out the other side.

What will happen if I tell a physician or instructor that I feel suicidal?

What treatment is there?

Having suicidal feelings tin be actually scary, merely back up is available and you can go through it. Your doc may suggest:

  • cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)
  • other forms of therapy, such as creative therapy
  • medication

The important thing is to find what feels right for you. Your md, therapist or counsellor can help yous with this.


Anything you tell a doc, counsellor or therapist is confidential, pregnant they won't tell anyone else unless you lot agree otherwise. This includes if you tell them y'all are having suicidal thoughts.

Simply, your therapist or counsellor may have to tell someone if they call up you or someone else might non be safe. Ordinarily they will attempt to let yous know first. It is very unlikely that they would tell your parent(s) or guardian(s) something you lot accept told them, but they may encourage you to practise so.

If you tell a doc that y'all are having suicidal feelings, they may refer you lot to hospital, or to a mental wellness service. This doesn't necessarily hateful you will have to stay in hospital; it'southward but so that you can get the correct help.

For tips on talking to your doctor and more than data on confidentiality, have a look at our page on how to speak to your GP about mental wellness.

More than communication on feeling improve

Supporting a friend who is feeling suicidal


How can I tell if a friend is feeling suicidal?

Unfortunately, at that place is no simple list of signs that someone might be struggling with suicidal feelings, but here are some signs that may betoken someone is struggling with these thoughts:

  • changes in behaviour, e.thousand. condign more withdrawn or losing involvement in things they normally enjoy
  • talking about expiry a lot, or mentioning that they feel "hopeless", accept "had enough" or that loved ones would be "better off without me"
  • taking risks with their health, e.g. increased use of drugs or alcohol, or of a sudden taking part in unsafe activities
  • being suddenly calm after a period of distress

If y'all are worried that a loved one may be struggling with suicidal feelings, information technology'due south okay to inquire straight. It may experience uncomfortable, but asking almost information technology won't cause it to happen.

medium shot of a girl with curly hair wrapping her arms to her girlfriend talking to her while they are sitting in a park

How to support a friend who is feeling suicidal

  • Listen without judgement, stay calm and don't overreact.
  • Be enlightened information technology's not your chore to take abroad the hurting or make it better. All you can do is be there, fifty-fifty if you don't know what to say (which is okay!).
  • Try not to downplay what they tell you or brush it off as a "phase". Do your best to see things from their perspective.
  • Encourage them to open up and help them identify a trusted developed (such as a teacher) they could talk to and who can assist them observe support. Some young people may be reluctant to talk to a parent in case they 'freak out' or because the parents themselves struggles with mental health problems. In that case, a teacher or family friend may experience more appropriate for them to speak to.
  • Help them build up a wider support network so they know who to contact 24/7 if they're struggling, such equally The Samaritans, Childline or the YoungMinds Crunch Messenger.
  • Make certain yous talk to someone too. If you're trying to support a friend who's been thinking nigh suicide, that data can be a heavy burden to deport lone, so share your feelings with someone yous trust.

If you are worried that a loved i may be struggling with suicidal feelings, it's okay to enquire direct. It may feel uncomfortable, but asking almost it won't crusade information technology to happen.

Does telling an adult that my friend is suicidal make me a bad friend?

It can be actually difficult to know what to do if your friend tells you they are struggling with suicidal feelings but asks yous not to tell everyone. Yous may feel like it's too much responsibility but that telling an developed would brand you a bad friend. But if your friend needs more than support than you tin offer, it can be a good thought to tell a trusted adult.

It is not your responsibility to solve your friend'south problems on your own. They may be angry with you at first if you lot tell an adult what they told you, but if you are doing it in their best interest they will somewhen see that.

Supporting a friend with their mental health

What tin I do if my friend doesn't desire to talk near information technology?

Some people may find it difficult to talk about their emotions, peculiarly if they are experiencing suicidal feelings. It can exist really hard to watch a friend struggling and not know what to exercise. Information technology may leave y'all feeling powerless and frustrated. But if they don't feel able to talk about the thoughts they are experiencing, sometimes it'southward enough simply to sit down with them and let them know you are there for them.

Some people may feel more comfortable talking to someone else, such as a family member or teacher, or they may prefer to speak to someone via a helpline. It is actually important that they talk to someone, so it can aid to talk to them about who they might feel comfortable speaking to. We have a list of helplines they can use below.

Getting help

Where to become aid

If you are feeling suicidal right now, you are non alone and there is help out there. Hither are places that tin assist you.


Source: https://www.youngminds.org.uk/young-person/my-feelings/suicidal-feelings/

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